What B2B Firms Use Marketing Agencies For – MarketingProfs
25 May 2021

Provoke Insights’ research on B2B companies is featured in MarketingProfs, a hub for business and marketing education.

The article discusses the results from Provoke Insights’ 2021 B2B study, which began in mid-January 2021. The project sought to gather and analyze information on the marketing initiatives of B2B, B2C, and B2B-B2C hybrid companies. 

The standout findings include:

  • 23% of B2B professionals turn to outside marketing agencies for SEM and SEO purposes
  • 21% of B2B professionals commission social media agencies for social media marketing
  • B2B firms are more likely to use tradeshow marketing than B2C companies
  • B2C companies are more likely to use TV commercials than B2B companies

Marketing professionals, B2B professionals, and the general population looking to better understand marketing initiatives may find this particularly interesting.

This research is part of an in-house research study conducted by Provoke Insights in 19 different industries including Banking/Investing, Clothing, Hospitality/Tourism, and the Outdoors. Download Provoke Insights’ complimentary Brand Equity 2021 report here for newly-published insights on B2B, B2C, and dozens of other industries.

Provoke Insights: Pandemic Has Created A ‘Newfound Love For The Outdoors.’
10 May 2021

Inside Radio reports on a webinar delivered by Carly Fink and Rachael Ryan of Provoke Insights

In this article, Inside Radio reports on findings presented by Provoke Insights founder, Carly Fink, and Associate DIrector of Research and Strategy, Rachael Ryan. The webinar discussing outdoor consumers was presented on May 5, 2021 as part of Radio Advertising Bureau’s Business Accelerated initiative.

Inside Radio discuses how Provoke Insights’ research shows a newfound love for the great outdoors over the past year.

Health & Wellness & COVID-19
05 May 2021

Provoke Insights’ research on consumer trends is featured in Happi, a media company devoted to covering the global personal care.

This article uses research from various companies to show how consumers are turning various self care methods during the pandemic. It uses the Provoke Insights Brand Equity 2021 survey to show the public’s attitudes towards the return of in-person stores, top beauty brands, and more.

Happi also quotes Carly Fink, president and founder of Provoke Insights, on issues surrounding traditional shopping malls and the eventual return to in-person offices. Carly is also quoted in noting current trends in health and beauty products.

What Drives Brand Affinity for B2B Companies? – Marketing Charts
30 Apr 2021

Provoke Insights’ research on B2B companies is featured in Marketing Charts, an online hub for marketing data, graphics, and analysis

The article details the results from Provoke’s recent Brand Equity 2021 survey, which sought to track and project brand drivers for innovation, equity, and affinity for 19 industries including the B2B landscape. 

After surveying 200 B2B professionals, the results on what builds brand affinity are in:

  • Brand trust (23%) and customer service (23%) are the top most important attributes
  • Price (14%), innovation (11%), and product uniqueness (10%) are also, respectively, strong influences of brand affinity

Marketing Charts’ article also reports on other measures from Provoke Insights’ B2B Brand Equity study. For example, for B2B brands that do measure brand equity, the top three measurements used by companies are

  1. Sales revenue (41%)
  2. Qualitative research (23%)
  3. Quantitative research (20%)

As evidenced by Marketing Chart’s new article on B2B branding, B2B marketing is a growing sector of research. As more B2B companies take note of important measures like brand affinity, brand equity, and brand innovation, other B2B companies looking to retain their customers and better understand the industry should take particular note of this research. Download Provoke Insights’ complimentary Brand Equity 2021 report here for newly-published insights on B2B and 18 other industries.

Why Millennials Gravitate to New Brands in Online Investing
21 Apr 2021

Carly Fink, president and founder of Provoke Insights, published a new article in the Journal of Business Strategy.

Companies like Fidelity, eTrade, Charles Schwab, Saxo Bank and Vanguard have dominated the do it yourself online trading platforms since the mid-1990s. What made these platforms so popular is twofold: lower cost of commissions and accessibility. In recent years, there has been an influx of new competitors into this space.

Millennial traders are gravitating to more modern platforms on the market like Robinhood, Acorns and Stash. These platforms provide even lower commissions, more functionality and interactivity. As accessibility, ease and no-fee stock trading are no longer differentiators, but rather barriers to entry, brands need to move beyond functionality.

Carly examines how brands need to understand and research what makes a millennial loyal to a financial institution.

The Importance of Brand in ABM – Business 2 Community
29 Mar 2021

Provoke Insights’ research on B2B companies is featured in Business 2 Community, a key business, marketing, and industry blog

The article emphasizes the importance of qualitative measures, like traffic and awareness, for a seemingly unquantifiable strategy: branding. By investing heavily in branding, companies can catch target audiences one or two years in advance. In other words, work smarter than competitors – not harder. 

However, our research shows that 67% of B2B professionals agree that their company invests in their brand. With many other companies ranking branding high on their top priority lists, the article urges in-house marketers to take extra steps to differentiate themselves.

These steps might include:

  • Taking bold steps to stand out
  • Increasing personalization and authenticity
  • Focusing on marketing ROI rather than new leads
  • Commissioning market research

Ultimately, as demonstrated by our B2B marketing research, many brands these days focus on key qualities like unaided awareness. To stand out from the crowd, in-house marketers should look for more intuitive ways to build their brands.

Brands Need Research To Gauge Pandemic-Fueled Consumer Shifts – Quirk’s Media
15 Mar 2021

Carly Fink, president and founder of Provoke Insights, is featured in Quirk’s Media Magazine this month. Quirk’s Media is a leading voice in market research and branding. During pandemic times, it is a must-read to gain key market insights on digital consumer habits.

Carly discusses how brands should reassess the consumer journey. As more Americans work, shop, and attend school from home, technology adoption has skyrocketed. Brands must account for increased digital use and entirely reevaluate consumers’ choices in the new remote landscape. 

With a few extra steps, researching these digital habits can put your brand ahead. Carly’s key points include research on consumer habits and industry:

  1. Brands should observe readily available internal data, like web traffic, type of device, and location.
  2. Brands should seek out timely research on their industry to better understand our new world. Provoke Insights recently published 2021 trend reports on 19 industries ranging from hospitality to clothing and beverages. Check out our page here to download the reports for free.
  3.  Brands should survey a prospective consumer population or commission a market research agency to conduct research. This is an essential part of building a targeted, compelling brand.

Understanding the consumer journey is a crucial part of brand management. There has never been a better time to reevaluate your brand, conduct robust research, and prepare to pivot for new markets ahead. Check out the full article to learn some specific steps on assessing brand strategy.

In today’s confusing pandemic world, market insights have never been more critical for your brand. According to our research, companies are putting more focus on strengthening their brand. 

To keep up with your brand competitors, read our full free B2B report and view other industry reports, including packaged foods, beauty, and clothing here.

Companies Prioritize Branding Over Sales – B2B News Network
12 Mar 2021

Provoke Insights’ research is featured in a fast facts report in B2B News Network. This research is vital for any B2B (business-to-business) company looking for market insights, 2021 trends, pandemic impacts, and more. B2B’s Friday Fact is: companies are increasingly putting branding above sales.

To develop Provoke Insights’ 2021 industry report, we fielded an online survey to 3,000 Americans aged 21 to 70. We surveyed 19 industries, including the B2B sector, and created buyer profiles, highlighted brand equity drivers, and drew several conclusions, including:

  • More companies are prioritizing brand strengthening over sales.
  • Paid and unpaid social media are the most commonly implemented marketing tools.
  • Due to the pandemic, trade show ROI has understandably plummeted.

In today’s confusing pandemic world, market insights have never been more critical for your brand. According to our research, companies are putting more focus on strengthening their brand. 

To keep up with your brand competitors, read our full free B2B report and view other industry reports, including packaged foods, beauty, and clothing here.