In-House Lawyers Don’t Seem To Grasp That The Business Side Doesn’t Really Trust Them – Above the Law
30 Jun 2022

Onit, a leading legal software company, commissioned Provoke Insights to research and compile the second chapter of its Enterprise Legal Reputation report.

The research shows that there are problems that legal departments may be unaware of. A majority of corporate legal respondents believe that they have “exemplary interactions” (91%) and “positive relationships” (73%) with internal clients. However, less than half of U.S. respondents thought of legal as a trusted business advisor.

Legal is somewhat aware of why they’re being bypassed. They believe it’s because they’re perceived as slow, bureaucratic, lacking in business understanding, or non-responsive. Most of these problems stem from the same issue of bad processes, but only 54% of legal professionals said their CLM is automated.

Overall, there are many problems to be addressed.

Radio Works to Drive Business and Brand Growth – ANA
30 Jun 2022

Provoke Insights’ newest research on radio and business is featured in a recent article on the Association of National Advertisers. 

Provoke Insights’ most recent wave of in-house research was fielded in March 2022, taking a deep dive into over 15 industries. The study focused on how radio can be used to drive business and brand growth across all of these industries.

The standout findings include:

  • 71% enjoy the browsing experience while shopping
  • 56% are not concerned with price and are willing to splurge on items
  • Almost half would pay more for items that are sustainably sourced

Overall, the research highlighted radio listeners as the ideal retail shoppers. Radio is an important tool that retailers and brands can use to help drive retail traffic, boost sales, and grow their business.

Fitness in 2022
23 Jun 2022

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, consumers were forced indoors but found that they had more time to focus on themselves. As boredom grew and the walls of homes closed us in, many took respite in the outdoors with activities like running, walking, hiking, biking, and golfing. As many now return to offices and schedules become packed again, are people still prioritizing their fitness like they were during the peak of the pandemic? Who is still exercising and buying fitness gear, and how are they making these purchases? Provoke Insights’ designed our fourth wave of in-house research to track consumer mindsets, purchasing trends, and brand loyalty in several industries, including fitness.

Americans are Active

Americans choose to get moving in their free time. Over half (51%) of Americans report that they exercise as a hobby. Additionally, outdoor activities remain popular, as many Americans continue to enjoy activities like camping/hiking (31%) biking, and golfing (13%.) 

Despite being active, fitness gear tends to be a more infrequent purchase. Few Americans have bought these types of items in the past month (12%). This is slightly down from 2021. The fitness purchaser remains to be a coveted consumer target. They are likely affluent, employed full-time, and parents with children in the household. While they report being optimistic about their future, they remain concerned about the impact of COVID on their health.

Where are Fitness Shoppers Shopping?

Although in-store shopping for fitness gear is strong, online purchasing continues to grow more popular among this target audience. Over half (55%) prefer buying from e-Commerce sites or the brand’s website, compared to 44% who would rather purchase in-stores. While many consumers are confident to shop in person again, the convenience and ease of shopping online is a growing trend that many fitness brands should consider when targeting this audience.

Brand Loyalty is Low

Brand loyalty for fitness gear has room to improve. Out of 15 industries that were scored by brand loyalty, fitness gear ranked 11th with a score of -8.39. However, fitness gear ranked higher for loyalty compared to outdoor gear (-11.89) and general apparel (-15.99). 

Among those who purchased fitness gear in the past month, one-third say that they only or mostly purchase one brand. Since the remaining two-thirds (68%) are open to purchasing new brands, there is an opportunity for these brands to win over this audience in the early stages of the consumer journey. 

Download the full report for free here.


Provoke Insights conducted a 15-minute survey in the spring of 2022 among 1,500 Americans between the ages of 21 and 65. A random stratified sample methodology was used to ensure a high degree of representation of the U.S. population (household income, age, gender, geography, ethnicity, and children in the household). Statistical differences between subgroups were tested at a 95% confidence level. The margin of error is +/-2.5%.

Travel in 2022
23 Jun 2022

Travel suffered immensely during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic is it halted vacations, holidays, and business trips indefinitely. However, as social plans and business trips begin to re-emerge, consumers are (very) slowly beginning to increase their travel again. Who are these travelers? Where are they headed? What are their perceptions of the airlines, cruises, and hotel brands they book? In Provoke Insights’ fourth wave of in-house research, we aimed to gain insights into consumer mindsets, purchasing trends, and brand loyalty in several industries, including travel.

Domestic Travel

So what is the current consumer sentiment over travel? While over one-third (37%) of Americans are still concerned about vacationing due to COVID, Americans are increasing their domestic travel. In fact, in the last 3 months, almost one-fifth (21%) of Americans took a domestic vacation. Looking ahead, more than one-third of Americans (34%)  have domestic travel plans in the next three months. 

Americans who are planning on domestic travel are significantly more likely to be married. When it comes to values, they will pay more for sustainably sourced items. 

While we all know traveling often comes with a hefty price tag, these travelers are also purchasing other high-ticket items like cars and investing in their homes.

International Travel

While domestic is ramping up, International travel is far less popular. Only 4% of Americans vacationed internationally in the last 3 months. However, a larger pool of travelers (7%) are planning to break out their passports in the next few months. 

So who are the world travelers? They tend to be affluent families. While they are likely optimistic about the future, they still harbor concerns about the pandemic’s effect on the economy. 

Loyalty to Travel Brands

Americans are traveling, and this necessitates purchasing various products such as airplane tickets, cruise trips, and hotel stays. In the last month, 21% of Americans booked a hotel stay, 15% of Americans purchased an airplane ticket, and 2% of Americans bought a cruise trip. The question is: are American consumers of these products loyal to a specific brand?

For airlines and cruise lines, the answer is YES! Consumers are loyal, meaning they tend to stick to one brand when purchasing these products. However, consumers are not very loyal to a specific hotel and are more open to sampling multiple brands. Hotels certainly have their work cut out, to gain travelers’ trust and repeat business!

Download the full report for free here.


Provoke Insights conducted a 15-minute survey in the spring of 2022 among 1,500 Americans between the ages of 21 and 65. A random stratified sample methodology was used to ensure a high degree of representation of the U.S. population (household income, age, gender, geography, ethnicity, and children in the household). Statistical differences between subgroups were tested at a 95% confidence level. The margin of error is +/-2.5%.


Luxury Shopping in 2022
23 Jun 2022

While the pandemic may have halted some areas of life, many consumers have returned to treating themselves to the finer things. Even as most Americans continue to work remotely, some still purchase luxury products, such as jewelry and watches, despite these products not being a necessity. Who is still buying these products, and what motivates them to shop for luxury? How have their shopping habits changed due to the pandemic? In Provoke Insights’ fourth wave of in-house research, we set out to track consumer mindsets, purchasing trends, and brand loyalty in several industries, including jewelry/watches.

Who is Buying Jewelry/Watches?

Although luxury shoppers are more optimistic about the future than non-luxury shoppers, they still harbor some concerns. Interestingly, they tend to worry more about their health and jobs because of COVID. 

Cost does not seem to be a large concern for these luxury shoppers. Many are purchasing other big-ticket items like electronics, skincare products, and subscription services. These shoppers are also environmentally conscious, as more than half (55%) are willing to pay more for sustainably sourced products.

Supporting local shops is also important to this group, as half (49%) prefer to purchase from small businesses.

Luxury Shopping Shifts to the Web

Despite rating the in-person shopping experience very positively, luxury shoppers are moving toward online purchases. Compared to those who didn’t make luxury purchases, jewelry/watch purchasers are more satisfied with the cleanliness of stores, customer service, and product availability. Although they are significantly happier with product availability in person, they still tend to head online to purchase these luxury items. 

These kinds of purchases were once made predominantly in-store, but things are changing. Over half of luxury buys (53%) are now made online using e-commerce sites and brand websites. Jewelry and watch brands must account for this technological shift when targeting their average consumer.

Customer Loyalty to Luxury Brands

Brand loyalty is quite mixed in the fine jewelry/watch industry. Less than half (44%) of these luxury consumers are loyal to a specific brand; however, half (49%) are open to purchasing many different brands in this category. 

While consumers are most loyal to autos, there is room for luxury brands to become more top of mind. Consumers are three times more loyal to other retail categories like electronics and skincare. 

Download the full report for free here.


Provoke Insights conducted a 15-minute survey in the spring of 2022 among 1,500 Americans between the ages of 21 and 65. A random stratified sample methodology was used to ensure a high degree of representation of the U.S. population (household income, age, gender, geography, ethnicity, and children in the household). Statistical differences between subgroups were tested at a 95% confidence level. The margin of error is +/-2.5%.

How to Spot Bad Survey Respondents
16 Jun 2022

Surveys can help researchers with many aspects of understanding a given market and answering important questions such as:

  • How have trends changed?
  • What does a brand’s target audience look like? 
  • What’s the best way to segment a market?
  • Which segments are the most important to target?
  • What are potential areas for market expansion?

Because of the weight that surveys hold on informing business recommendations, it is so important that the survey responses are accurate. As this type of research is used to represent a specific population, a large number of respondents are needed to complete the survey.  Most of the time respondents are incentivized to participate in the study.  While in a perfect world every respondent is truthful, sometimes people are more focused on receiving an incentive than answering the survey truthfully.  A few bad seeds also have created survey bots, which is a way for one person to collect multiple incentives quite quickly. 

So how can you prevent bad or fake respondents from getting into your survey?  There are several methods to help make your survey as accurate as possible. 

Tips for Catching People Mindlessly Speeding Through Surveys 

How Long it Takes Respondents to Answer a Question

The simplest way to tell if a person is speeding through the questions and not taking the time to read them is by looking at how long it takes them to complete the survey. After the researchers have determined a normal time to go through the questions, they can weed out the respondents who took an absurdly short time to answer. For example, respondents who take less than a second to answer each question are red flags. 

Straight Lines and Patterns

Often, respondents rushing through the survey will fill out the same answer to every question. For example, if it is a grid-style question where respondents are asked to indicate, through a scale, how likely they are to do something or agree with a statement, they may choose neutral for all responses. The phrase Straight Lines gets its name because, for a grid, the shaded-in responses will form to create an image of a straight line column going down the page. On the other hand, instead of a straight line, respondents filling out the survey in a patterned format may also indicate that the questions aren’t being fully read. These responses may look like Christmas trees or triangles.

Selecting All Possible Responses

Sometimes survey questions will ask respondents to select all the answer choices that apply. For example, a question might ask what the respondent has purchased in the past month. Possible choices could include fifteen choices such as a house, car, watch, and groceries. If the respondent chooses all of the possible choices, which appears highly unrealistic, this may indicate that they are not spending enough time going through the survey.

Tips for Catching Respondents that Answer Surveys Illogically or Incorrectly

ReCaptcha In Surveys

This is the feature that is added to prevent bots from entering the survey in the first place. It is an interface that determines if the user is human based on cursor movements and clicks. Think of when you’re asked to confirm “I’m not a robot” and then to choose all the pictures that include a specific object, such as a stop sign or a certain color car.

Opposite Answers

Respondents that answer survey questions that directly contradict something they have previously recorded are important to look out for. For example, if a respondent records that they are vegan at the start of the survey and then subsequently answers a question indicating that they eat meat often, that is a red flag. 

Red Herrings

Researchers often throw in unrelated questions or answers to surveys to ensure that the respondent is paying attention. For example, surveys might include a trick question, where the statement will say, “Pick Neutral to show that you are paying attention”. It also might be a simple arithmetic question such as, “what is three plus four”. A third example is including ridiculous examples for answer choices. A question could ask about what the respondent has done in the past month and give an improbable choice such as “winning $1 million from the lottery”. All of these questions or answer choices are used to weed out participants who aren’t paying good enough attention or are zoning out. 

Tips for Open-Ended Questions in Surveys

Nonsense Open-Ended Questions

When surveys ask open-ended questions like, “Why are you optimistic about the future” and the answer is something that doesn’t make sense or is just a series of randomly generated letters or words, it is most likely a bot. Even if it isn’t a computer-generated response, respondents who answer nonsensically should be deleted regardless because they aren’t taking the survey seriously. 

Duplicate Responses

When responses to open-ended questions are generic and seem repetitive among different respondents, they are probably bots. Especially when the answers don’t exactly fit the question, such as the answer “I am optimistic” to the question above, “Why are you optimistic about the future”. Additionally, instead of hand-sorting through the responses, many companies will use IP address blockers to prevent a single device from submitting the survey more than once. 


It is important to review and “clean” the data after receiving all of the survey responses to ensure that the conclusions are as accurate as possible. Also, it is worth mentioning that if the survey response meets one of the criteria mentioned above, it isn’t necessarily grounds for an instant deletion of the response. It is important to go back and check through the whole survey to determine holistically if the respondent is suspicious. 

Interested in reading more on market research? Check out our other blogs here. 
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What’s the Difference Between Primary & Secondary Market Research?
10 Jun 2022

Market research can help with so many marketing and strategy initiatives, including:

  • Generating product concepts or ideas
  • Launching a new product or service for the first time
  • Understanding your brand vs. the competition
  • Assess your target audience and prospects
  • Rebranding a product or service
  • Assess current or potential advertising 
  • Monitoring the current market landscape
  • Providing thought leadership

Brands mustn’t overlook the importance of market research. Lack of market research or conducting research too late can lead to brand failure, as it has for brands as large as Coca-Cola, P&G, and Microsoft. Timing is critical during every step of a product launch, and all brand strategists and marketing professionals should make research a priority. If market research is pushed to the bottom of the list, potential problems could arise that could have been easily prevented. Also, research helps a brand target initiatives, ultimately improving ROI. 

Before starting market research, it is essential to understand the two types of research: primary and secondary. 

Secondary Research

What is Secondary Research?

Secondary research, often called meta-data analysis, involves compiling and analyzing already available information. Information can be obtained through online databases, libraries, and online searches. With a range of readily available resources, including articles, studies, and even past studies, secondary research can arm brands with available knowledge, as well as map the white space, so brands are not echoing research that already exists. Along with traditional resources, a brand can look at innovative ways to get data, such as visiting a museum or online sources that assess your competitors’ websites. 

Some areas you can analyze using secondary research include trends and competitive analysis. In an ever-changing market, this methodology can assess how e how social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental trends impact your business. It can also be used to analyze all aspects of your competition, including market situation, promotions, channels, messaging, and touchpoints.

Map the White Space 

Although the name may be misleading, secondary research can be the first step in conducting market research. Brands that commission secondary research can gain a better understanding of their industry, including top competitors and trends in the market.

Secondary research can be cost-effective and provides a broad range of information. Additionally, if your brand is thinking about conducting primary research, commissioning secondary research first can guide your initiative and prevent duplicating efforts (e.g., producing research already out there). 

Behind a Paywall

While there are many free and public-facing resources, many valuable databases can only be accessed through subscriptions. It is important for brands considering secondary research to partner with a research firm that has access to information that may be behind a paywall. This proprietary knowledge gives brands an advantage over the competition, as they will be better armed with insights that will make a real impact on the next phase of their custom research. 

Primary Research

What is Primary Research?

Primary research is research that is not already out there; it produces original, fresh data for a range of initiatives. So how do you collect primary data? Depending on the objective of the research, you may conduct qualitative research, quantitative studies, or a combination of the two. 

  • Quantitative research, also called descriptive, is designed to help project what a population looks like (e.g., demographically, behaviorally, attitudes). It is number focused and ideally has over 250 respondents in the analysis to be statistically representative of the population. Surveys are the typical methodology to execute this type of data. Typically this methodology includes mostly close-ended questions. Quantitative research is great for projecting market potential, developing audiences, and assessing brand equity or advertising campaigns. 
  • Qualitative research, also called exploratory, is directional in nature and focuses on gaining ideas and insights. This is often done through focus groups, in-depth interviews, ethnographic research, and online boards. Qualitative guides mostly include open-ended questions. The research also includes a moderator to help guide the conversation and probe for additional information. Qualitative is useful for product or advertising idea ideation, as well as helping you walk in your consumers’ shoes. 


Both primary and secondary research can be highly useful when successfully launching a new brand. Overall, both types of market research in your brand’s business plan are crucial for success.

Interested in reading more on market research? Check out our other blogs here. 
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  • Take a look at our research strategies here.
New Skin Care Needs In a Post-Covid World – Happi
01 Jun 2022

Provoke Insights’ newest research on the skin care market is featured in a recent article in Happi Magazine.

Provoke Insights most recent wave of in-house survey was fielded in March 2022 to understand the state of 15 categories, including skin care. The study aimed to profile typical skin care consumers, discover what they are looking for, and measure their brand loyalty.

The standout findings include:

  • Skincare shoppers are mostly female (70%), Millennials (44%), and have children (41%)
  • Less than half (47%) of skincare purchasers are only or mostly loyal to their favorite brands
  • Most skincare buyers (63%) consider themselves environmentally conscious, and half would pay more for sustainably sourced items