Marketing Strategies for Generation Alpha: the Newest Generation
19 Mar 2019

Who are post-Millennials?
Generation Alpha represents those who are born after 2010. This generation is quickly growing as 2.5 million Generation Alphas are born around the world each day. [1] Alphas are growing up exposed to multiple digital platforms in a technology-driven environment.

Major brands are recognizing that Generation Alpha is essential to target. Brands are increasingly acknowledging their awareness of Generation Alpha. For example, Google shared its opinion of Generation Alpha, saying “If generation Alpha possesses similar behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs to that of their parents, then to win with a certain segment of millennial consumers (millennial parents), we must target generation Alpha”. [2]

Teenagers and children today are growing up in a very different environment for previous generations. Not surprisingly, Generation Alpha is set to be the most tech-savvy generation we have ever seen. Firstly, they will be the first generation to be immersed in technology for their entire lives. Secondly, today’s methods of teaching are highly influenced by technology. As a result, this generation of education has become very digitally focused. With the introduction of so many technologies since the early 2000s, it has become hard for parents to ignore the trend. As a result, parents have integrated technology into their children’s lives from a young age.

What are the effects of technology?

The introduction of smartphones for younger Millennials and Generation Alpha can be seen as an advantage for parents. Ninety percent of these parents say they gave their child a smartphone in order to get in contact with them easily. The cell phone helps with security, as well as coordinate the children’s activities.  With the advantage of connection comes the disadvantage of distraction. Seventy-two percent of parents admit that they are concerned about the distraction a smartphone can cause. Sixty- eight percent of parents are concerned by the lack of control they have when it comes to technology and their children. [3]  As more children have smartphones at a young age, cyberbullying has also become an ever-growing issue.

How will Gen Alpha impact advertising and marketing strategy?

Until Generation Alpha is old enough to have spending power, it is important to analyze the effect they are having on their parents spending. Eighty-one percent of Millennial parents say that the habits of their Alpha children influenced their latest purchase. [4] Marketers should focus on ensuring that their strategies are flexible now while keeping a close eye on Gen Alpha and how they will influence advertising and marketing in the future. It is key that marketers start researching possible communication strategies to grab the attention of Alpha’s now so that they are prepared for the future. Even many of today’s two years how to navigate a smartphone device.

New products are already emerging for Generation Alpha. Children are being entertained by smartphones, tablets, and smart home devices. It is not unusual for children to want to have “conversations” with artificial intelligence-driven technology such as Siri or Alexa. Children have always had “imaginary friends”, therefore, it is not too far-fetched to believe children will become “friends” with A.I. [5]
Technology being a part of this generation’s life from birth poses both an opportunity and a challenge for marketers and advertisers. Generation Alpha will be an easy target for advertisers and marketers, as they will be reached effortlessly through technology. However, it is predicted that Alphas will seek an even more seamless experience than Millennials have been seeking when it comes to advertising and marketing. It is important to keep it simple yet effective while targeting this generation to encourage consumer loyalty. It is predicted that businesses and brands will come up with radically new ways of communicating and interacting when trying to influence and capture the attention of Alphas.

Want to Learn More About Market Research? Here are some blog posts to check out!

  1. 6 Things to Watch Out for when Writing a Market Research Survey 
  2. Marketing in the Summer
  3. Why We Love Advertising Research 

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[1]Here’s who comes after Generation Z — and they’ll be the most transformative age group ever. Business Insider. December 2015.

[2]“The Complete Guide to Generation Alpha, The Children Of Millennials,” Forbes. December 2016.

[3]“Mobile Kids: The Parent, The Child, and The Smartphone,” Nielsen. February 2017.

[4]“Forget Millennials, Gen Alpha is here (Mostly),” Digiday. October 2018.

[5]“How Will Widespread A.I. Affect Generation Alpha?,” November 2017. Datafloq.


Social Listening Research 101
10 Sep 2015
It’s more than just listening to those who talk positively or negatively about your brand and your competitors online.  Social listening is such a stronger and more powerful research methodology.  It allows you to understand what trends are impacting your consumers and prospects and also learn what they are talking about so you can join the conversation.   It also provides a stronger understand of what social media channels are most suitable and effective for your target audience.  

Just like any other research methodology, you need to have a concise plan in place and formulate your objectives.  It’s important to think about why you are listening online and what you hope to achieve with this information.

Once your objectives are formulated, it’s now key to find your brand’s target audience.  Using client data, primary or secondary research to understand what is the ideal audience:

·       Psychographics

·       Beliefs

·       Interests/Hobbies

·       Media consumption

Once your audience is clearly defined, now social listening begins. You should listen to what is being said on various sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, online blogs and news outlets.    The more you listen, the more  accurate the perspective.

There are several social listening tools out there such as Trackur, or sproutsocial. Each tool has their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to social listening. Look for what your audience is saying about the industry, trends, interests, beliefs and media habits.

Everything that you hear, make sure that you record:

·       The number of people talking about a topic
Where they are talking

·       What is the sentiment

·       Percent who are influencers and how influential they are (this is often determined by scores such as Klout).