Who is the Impulse Shopper and How can Businesses Keep the Pulse on Impulsive Consumer Behaviors?
07 Oct 2024

In a recent article for Path to Purchase, Provoke Insight’s Carly Fink and Melissa Conforto explore impulse shopping, its influence on industries, and recommendations for businesses trying to capture this audience. 

Impulse shopping is widespread, with most Americans admitting to these splurging tendencies. This varies across demographics, with some partaking more than others. However, this behavior varies across demographics. Understanding and targeting impulse shoppers is crucial for businesses aiming to drive sales and conversions in today’s dynamic consumer market

The article addresses the following key findings: 

  • Nearly a third of Americans impulse shop weekly. 
  • Financial constraints do little to deter consumers from impulse shopping. 
  • Browsing store aisles and staying on top of trends are behaviors that motivate impulse buys. 
  • Some industries, such as apparel, are more enticing to spontaneous purchases. 
  • Other purchases, such as accommodations and airline travel, require longer deliberation. 
  • Channels such as television and TikTok significantly influence impulse shoppers.  
  • Traditional media, such as radio and magazines, capture buyer attention less. 
Just how long is the path to purchase for furniture shoppers?
22 May 2024

Provoke Insights analyzes the consumer journey of furniture shoppers and unveils key findings about complex buying behaviors.

Furniture Today discusses the research results of an April 2024 trends report conducted by Provoke Insights, shedding light on consumer furniture purchasing trends and how they influence behaviors such as impulse shopping. The article discusses consumer behaviors in furniture purchasing, revealing varied decision timelines, a balance between brand loyalty and exploration, and a mix of planned and spontaneous buying. It highlights diverse shopping preferences across demographics, with stability in purchasing patterns observed over the past year.

Some noteworthy insights include:  

  • Furniture purchases have remained steady over the past year, with 13% of respondents making recent purchases, indicating consistent consumer interest in furniture items.
  • Despite 77% planning their purchases, nearly a quarter make spontaneous buys, reflecting a mix of deliberate planning and impulse buying.
  • 60% of recent furniture buyers take days or weeks to decide, indicating a prolonged buying journey.
  • Half of consumers opt for new furniture brands, showcasing a balance between brand loyalty and exploration.
  • One-third of prospective buyers plan to spend over $1,000, with higher-income households and certain demographic groups among the big spenders.
  • Chain furniture stores are the top choice (32%), followed by local stores (29%), but preferences vary across demographics, with different age and income groups favoring specific outlets.
Customer Journey Insights from 2024 Furniture Shopping Trends Study
15 May 2024

Drawing insights from Provoke Insight’s partnership with 3D Cloud on their 2024 Furniture Shopping Trends Study, this article emphasizes the emergence of a hybrid shopping model that seamlessly integrates online research with in-store purchases. 

Key takeaways include the research process involving online browsing and in-store visits and the significance of 3D technology in enhancing customer experiences. The study underscores the transformative potential of 3D visualization tools in furniture shopping, with consumers expressing a strong preference for retailers offering such experiences. These insights emphasize the need for retailers to adapt to these evolving trends to enhance customer experiences and remain competitive in the furniture retail space.

Other insights from the article include:

  • A growing trend of consumers utilizing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies to visualize furniture in their own living spaces before making purchasing decisions.
  • Online furniture shoppers prioritize factors such as easy returns and flexible payment options, while in-store shoppers value personalized assistance and the ability to physically interact with products.
  • Millennials are driving the shift towards online and hybrid shopping experiences, stating convenience and time-saving benefits as the primary motivators.
What Influences Consumers to Purchase Generic Produce Instead of Brands?
18 Mar 2024

Provoke Insights’ Carly Fink and Jordin DeSenzo explore the factors that drive consumers to choose generic produce over branded options in a recent article for Produce Business.

Over the last two years, inflation has significantly impacted the cost of produce, adding to the difficulties faced by brand-named produce. Understanding the consumer sentiment amidst inflation and tailoring marketing strategies accordingly becomes crucial for brands aiming to maintain their market share.

The article addresses the following key findings:

  • Inflation has heightened consumer awareness of rising prices, particularly in supermarkets.
  • Despite high inflation, consumers continue to prioritize regular consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  • Brand awareness is high among consumers, but actual purchases of brand-named produce remain lower than expected.
  • Price is a significant factor influencing consumer choices, with many opting for generic produce due to cost considerations.
  • Affluent consumers often perceive no quality difference between brand-named and generic produce.
  • Television, in-store demonstrations, and more are favored channels for learning about brand-named produce.
  • Less popular media channels like billboards, radio, and magazines/newspapers are less effective for promoting brand-named produce.
DTC Trends That Will Help You Get Noticed
13 Mar 2024

Recent USPS article on DTC Trends showcases Provoke Insight’s research with top marketing professionals across all industries.

In the competitive world of marketing, direct-to-consumer (DTC) tactics are gaining traction. Established brands are increasingly adopting these innovative strategies to forge deeper connections with consumers. Join us in this article as we delve into the essential trends and powerful DTC marketing techniques that are not only capturing customers’ attention but also driving tangible results.

Key points covered in the article:

  • Effective DTC innovations
  • Strategies for brands to take their DTC marketing even further
  • Current methods used by marketers to track DTC performance
Radio On Main Street Featuring Provoke Insights’ Carly Fink
11 Mar 2024

In the third episode of the ongoing series from the ANA Masters of Marketing conference, Erica Farber sits down with Carly Fink, president of Provoke Insights.

In this episode, you’ll hear how market research acts as the guiding light for brands, allowing them to remove the blindfolds, eliminate guesswork, and make informed decisions regarding their marketing, advertising, and media strategies. At Provoke Insights, we passionately believe in the transformative power of radio, and this belief is substantiated by the firsthand insights we glean from our research.

Tune in to the conversation as we delve into the intricacies of market research and its pivotal role in shaping successful brand strategies. Discover how our team at Provoke Insights utilizes data-driven methodologies to unlock valuable insights that drive tangible results for our clients.

Supplements, Stress & CBD in the Wellness Market
20 Dec 2023

Provoke experts, Carly Fink and Jordin DeSenzo were recently featured in Happi Magazine

Happi’s article, which contained insights from Provoke’s 2023 Fall/Winter trends research, examined the prevalence of stress among Americans and the various coping mechanisms they employ, with a specific focus on the use of vitamins, supplements, and CBD.

Highlights from the article include:

  • Many Americans experience significant stress, with financial issues being a major factor, especially among younger generations, women, and the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Common stress relief methods include exercise, social interaction, healthy eating, and meditation, though some turn to less healthy habits like drinking.
  • A notable portion of the population uses vitamins and supplements for stress relief, with certain groups and specific types like multivitamins being more popular.
  • Vitamins are mostly bought in stores, with a growing trend in online purchases and brand loyalty.
  • A twelfth of the population uses CBD for stress, with future purchase intentions high despite some concerns about regulation and drug testing.

For the wellness industry to continue expanding, brands must keenly address the stress-related behaviors of consumers and offer effective solutions. Enhancing consumer education about the benefits and proper usage of CBD and other wellness vitamins/supplements could significantly boost their role in stress management.

The Tipping Point Is Now
13 Dec 2023

Provoke Insights’ Fall/Winter 2023 research on consumer trends is finally out and has been featured in an article published by Modern Restaurant Management.

Provoke Insights conducted research involving 1,502 Americans, aiming to gain insights into external trends impacting various consumer behaviors, particularly in the realm of dining out, and the attitudes Americans have towards tipping culture.

Accompanying a brief data summary, Modern Restaurant Magazine interviewed Provoke Insights President Carly Fink.
Findings from this interview include:
• Key takeaways for restaurant owners/operators based on the findings.
• Tips and tricks for enhanced guest experiences.
• Insights into where and when consumers are more likely to tip at a food establishment.
• Attitudes on the pressure to tip at establishments and more

As inflation impacts both consumers and businesses, restaurants must ensure that tipping doesn’t feel intrusive, potentially deterring patrons from revisiting their establishments.

Research: Getting To Know Today’s Socially Conscious Consumer
30 Aug 2023

A Provoke Insights study reveals consumer preference for socially conscious purchases.

The Path to Purchase Institute (P2PI) has joined forces with Provoke Insights to explore current trends among socially conscious consumers. Some of their findings included:

  • Prioritizing Social Awareness: 74% of consumers make social consciousness a priority in their purchases.
  • Inconsistent Choices: Only a fraction consistently opt for socially responsible products.
  • Cost as a Deterrent: Over half (52%) cite cost as the main barrier.
  • Ingredient Transparency: “Made with clean ingredients” is a key factor, notably for Generation Z and Democrats.
  • Limited Impact: Factors like charitable donations and minority ownership have minimal influence.
  • Values Alignment Matters: 32% would switch brands if values misalign.
  • Economic Influence: The economy shapes choices, impacting budget-consciousness for sustainable products.

For a more comprehensive understanding, read the full article here to capture the evolving landscape of consumer behavior.