Provoke Insights’ Carly Fink and Jordin DeSenzo explore the factors for planned produce purchases vs. impulse buys in an article for Produce Business.
22 Jul 2024

Provoke Insights’ Carly Fink and Jordin DeSenzo explore the factors for planned produce purchases vs. impulse buys in an article for Produce Business.

Provoke Insights’ Carly Fink and Jordin DeSenzo wrote about factors that drive consumers to plan their produce purchases versus making impulse buys in a recent article for Produce Business. They highlight how understanding these behaviors, especially in the context of rising inflation, can help produce brands and retailers better target their marketing strategies through market research.

  • Produce brands face two types of customers: meticulous planners and impulse shoppers. Understanding the balance between these groups is crucial for effective marketing strategies, especially in the context of rising inflation and economic challenges.
  • Inflation significantly affects grocery shopping, with 85% of shoppers noticing price hikes. 
  • Most Americans purchase produce weekly, with supermarkets being the preferred location. While pre-planned purchases dominate, impulse buys account for only 15% of produce purchases.
  • To boost impulse buys, supermarkets should enhance in-store advertising, strategically position pre-cut produce in high-traffic areas, and highlight the nutritional benefits of produce. Utilizing TV and social media platforms for promotions can also capture the attention of weekly produce shoppers.


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