It’s What’s Inside that Counts – Happi
02 Oct 2020

It’s What’s Inside that Counts – Happi

Provoke Insights' research is featured in an article by Happi's Tom Branna about health during the pandemic. Branna discusses healthy skin, beauty regiments, and diets. Specifically, he references Provoke Insights' 2020 Trends study about behaviors as a result of COVID-19, specifically mentioning research on the meal structures and eating habits of American consumers.

Provoke Insights distributed an online survey among 600 U.S. consumers between the ages of 21 and 65 in June, 2020. Some of Provoke Insights’ findings included the following: 

  • 76% of people are trying to eat healthier; 
  • 55% of people have a more structured meal routine.

The study helped illuminate how consumers are cooking and baking more often, leading them to change their overall perceptions and attitudes towards food. 

Consumers have healthier habits now. They are buying more fresh produce than previously. Provoke Insights expect growth in fresh produce purchases to remain high even after the pandemic. Ninety-three percent of respondents said their increased frequency of fresh produce purchases will continue post-pandemic.

There’s no doubt about it, consumers have been on an emotional rollercoaster for the past six months—no wonder why their guts are hurting and, by extension, that’s having an impact on skin health. Where the two meet is called the gut-skin axis. It’s interesting to learn more about it. Click here to read the article from Branna. 


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