Nov 2022
In Fall 2022, Provoke Insights launched a survey among 1,500 Americans. The study aimed to identify key trends in several different industries, including fresh produce, and break out said trends by regional discrepancies.
The standout findings include:
- Consumers fear the country’s financial future, as inflation (65%) and the economy (63%) are major concerns.
- The majority (82%) of those buying produce say the price increases of vegetables and fruit are an issue.
- Consumers also notice other issues while shopping like a limited selection of fresh fruits and vegetables available at the grocery store (51%), as well as a lack of fresh produce (41%).
- Supermarket packaging is not considered sustainable by nearly two-thirds (62%) of grocery shoppers, who agree that the packaging could be more eco-friendly.
As economic concerns effect buying preferences, produce brands need to stay top of mind with consumers. They must make consumers feel comfortable buying produce instead of compromising their healthy eating habits to save money.