Conducting Market Research in Localized Areas
09 Nov 2020

Conducting Market Research in Localized Areas

Targeting larger markets via online surveys has become easier than ever given the amount of flexibility provided by the internet to reach respondents from all over the globe. However, it is important for businesses to understand how to gain access on the local levels, in places with fewer people or niche populations. 

When it comes to gathering insights from an audience at the county or town level, it is crucial for market researchers to determine the most cost-effective and innovative approaches while ensuring accurate representative results. Here are five practices to employ when reaching localized markets:

Extensive Online Respondent Panel For Niche Markets

In market research it is imperative for researchers to find a partner who can help them uncover data in niche markets by providing them with an online respondent panel. Researchers should have an established sample that is representative of both, new explorers in the market, and seasoned consumers who have shown loyalty to certain brands or publishers. These often are the hardest-to-reach audiences, hence the need for a strong sample company. 

Merge Multiple Respondent Panels 

Accessing multiple respondent panels will ensure that you are getting insights from as many respondents as possible. Each panel has its own distinct recruitment method for research. Merging panels increases the likelihood that you will get enough sample to fill all quotas for the market. This will ensure the most reliable data for businesses that are looking for guidance on their strategies in local markets. 

Social media & SEM 

Commissioning targeted ads on social media and search engines will ensure that you are reaching your desired audience. Promoting the survey in targeted areas provides a direct link to consumers who may have not been reached through a respondent panel, but may still be interested in providing insights. 

Use Mixed-Mode Methodology: CATI & Online 

Employing a hybrid sample collecting method such as mixing CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) and online surveys allow for more in-depth access to narrow populations. It can help to employ this when designing an approach for reaching suburban and rural areas. 

CATI can also be particularly effective when trying to gather insights from respondents who might not have computer access to complete the survey online, but do have a phone where they can be reached. Using a mixed-mode methodology like this ensures you are not missing out on data points from certain cohorts. 

Weighting for Rural Areas

Weighting is a correction technique that is used by survey researchers where a statistical adjustment is made to the survey data after it has been collected in order to improve the accuracy of the survey estimates. Using this technique correctly is crucial, especially for rural areas, because if not done right, it can cause the data to be misleading. This can cause ineffective strategy implementation for companies who are looking to grow. 

Conducting Localized Research Conclusion 

Gathering insights from consumers on the local level can be a challenge. However, data from local markets can often have an impact on overall strategy for businesses. Therefore, it is important for researchers to understand how to use cost effective methods to gather data from these regions. Make sure to follow these practices to ensure conducting research in localized areas is less challenging. 

Read some of our recent case studies and blogs here to learn more about business and consumer research:

  1. Election Polls: Why You Need To Know What Margin of Error is Right Now
  2. The Differences Between B2B and Consumer Qualitative Research
  3. The Pros and Cons of Secondary Research

Thinking about conducting market research? Check out Provoke Insights research services here.


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Election Polls: Why You Need to Know What Margin of Error Is Right Now
22 Oct 2020

Why You Must Understand Margin of Error Before Reading Election Polls 

The term ‘margin of error’ is a common term when it comes to market research. However, this lexicon is always mentioned more in mainstream media around an election. With less than two weeks to go until the United States Presidential Election, ‘margin of error’ is no longer jargon but a common-use term that comes up in the press every day.


What is a Margin of Error?

The margin of error is the accepted standard within the market research industry for data reliability. It lets us know with a certain level of confidence that if the same research methodology was completed again the results would be within the same ‘margin’.


This is an overly simplified explanation of the term. The margin coincides with a statistically significant confidence level. The confidence level is usually tested at 90%, 95%, or 99%. For example, if the margin of error is +/- 2% and the confidence level is 95% – if the same survey was completed again among a random sample, 95 times out of 100, the results would be within two percentage points.  


What Does This Have to Do With the Election?

Many times you see, headlines such as Biden leads a state by 2%. However, the margin error is 3%. In these instances, it means that Biden is not winning but tied with Trump.

It is something to keep an eye on in the polls as the election approaches. The number of eligible voters starts to decrease (because there are so many polls happening in the days running up to the election and only a certain number of voters taking polls). This causes the sample sizes to become limited, and margins of errors start to rise. You need to keep an eye out for these in the last few weeks before the election to ensure that the polls are telling the whole story.


Is the Margin of Error the Only Error that We Need to Account for?

The margin of error can be misleading. It assumes that we have accounted for all errors. If survey results state that 25% of the population is going to vote for a particular candidate with a +/-2% margin of error, then we can safely say that anywhere between 23% and 27% of people will vote that way.


That is not the case. The margin of error allows us to understand the sampling error. However, other non-sampling errors can occur in market research, and it is essential to keep your eye out for them in polls:


  1. The way a question is asked can result in errors (e.g. leading questions, incomplete list of choices to choose from, double-barreled).
  2. Many questions ask about intent rather than attitudes or past behavior. That requires a further interpretation that can leader to errors (e.g. voting models).
  3. Bad respondents (people taking a survey too quickly and not reading the questions, doing ‘straight-line’ or ‘pattern’ responses). The research company often cleans these, but when research is done very quickly, they do not have time to remove all bad participants.
  4. Weighting survey sampling to match the population may be off (In the 2016 election, education was not weighted and caused the polls to be off)


The margin of error is critical to look out for but not the be-all and end-all of research errors. It is essential to analyze the methodology and ensure that the number of errors are limited.

Read more about political polling here: The Accuracy of Political Polling

Read some of our recent case studies and blogs here to learn more about business and consumer research:

  1. The Pros and Cons of Online Survey Research
  2. The Power of Census Data
  3. COVID-19 and Conducting Market Research

To learn more about Provoke Insights – Check out SlideShare:

Provoke Insights Market Research & Brand Strategy Capabilities


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Differences Between B2B & Consumer Qualitative Research
02 Oct 2020

B2B and Consumer Research are disparate. Businesses and consumers make decisions in very different ways. These differences mean researchers must employ distinct approaches and strategies when trying to gain insights from both groups. This is especially true for qualitative research. 

Audience – B2B Decision-Makers and Consumer

Within businesses, the decision-making process is more complex and demands a more robust analysis. The group of decision-makers is larger and broader than in the consumer context. While consumers can make purchasing decisions based on impulse or emotion, businesses aim to make a strategic, objective decision. 

While the majority of consumers are making buying decisions daily, this is not the case at businesses. Companies only have a select group of decision-makers for purchasing, and they are not as easy to come by. To account for this, market researchers need to ensure that they are speaking to primary or shared decision-makers at a company that will understand the process and, ideally, have insights on the entire process from start to finish. 

Incentives for B2B and Consumers

Given all consumers are making the decisions on their purchasing behavior, there is a larger pool of consumers available to respond to the research when compared to B2B. The pool of people making decisions for a business is smaller and they are often higher up at their company. Therefore, this B2B audience is harder to come by. This makes the research costlier than research conducted among the general population. Higher incentives will drive business decision-makers to participate in interviews. 

Methodology – In-depth Interviews for B2B 

This audience has to be senior in the company to be given the approval to make decisions for the business. Therefore, these senior workers tend to be busier than the average consumer. To account for this, in-depth interviews are often favorable over focus groups. In-depth interviews offer more flexibility for respondents to choose a time that suits their schedule. Therefore, this will increase the likelihood of their participation. 

Moreover, in-depth interviews can be done remotely. This removes the need to travel, which further reduces time barriers for participants. 

Focus groups are not as effective for B2B audiences because all participants need to be available at a pre-decided time. Also, if business owners are in similar fields, they may be wary of sharing their trade secrets with competitors. 

Interpreting Results of B2B Research

As the B2B decision-making process has many complexities. For example:

  • There are more people involved;
  • There are different levels of influence from each party;
  • Internal and external factors play a role;
  • And there are different drivers for the need.

As a result, the research often has more intricacies and can be more difficult. This means that the researchers and moderators need to be well versed in B2B research. They also need to have an in-depth understanding of the products and services involved. This will ensure that they gather the insights that the company commissioning the research needs. 

B2B vs. Consumer Research Conclusion

When conducting research among B2B audiences, it is important to take the needs of this group into consideration. The methodologies, incentives, and interpreting of results should differ from B2b and consumer research . 

Read some of our recent case studies and blogs here to learn more about business and consumer research:

  1. The Pros and Cons of In-Depth Interviews
  2. The Pros and Cons of Online Focus Groups
  3. COVID-19 and Conducting Market Research

Thinking about conducting market research?  Check out Provoke Insights research services here.


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The Pros and Cons of Secondary Research
09 Sep 2020

What is secondary research?

Secondary research is a type of market research where you compile and analyze information that is already available. You can obtain this information through googling, online databases, and libraries. The data can be from articles, studies, and even past surveys. Secondary research is an essential tool in market research as it can assist in better understanding your industry, competitors, and trends in the marketplace. 

Suppose you are thinking about conducting primary research (research that is not already out there). It can help guide your initiative by not duplicating any efforts (e.g. research information currently out there).

Here are the pros and cons of secondary research. 

The Pros of Secondary Research 


Secondary research is often less expensive than primary research. Since the data is out there already, the most considerable expense is usually the workforce to find and interpret the data.  

Wide Range of Information

In this online world, it is pretty easy to gather an extensive amount of information. Secondary research can help find, among other things: 

  • The current and projected market. Economic projections, industry reports, and additional information on sales and market performance.
  • Competition in your brand’s field. This can include competitors’ brand positioning, sales numbers, website performance, pricing, etc. Primary research is essential for understanding the perceptions of competitors. Still, secondary research can preface that knowledge by giving a detailed perspective of what the competitor’s strategy is in the first place.
  • Consumer perspective and perceptions of your product. Although nothing beats primary research when it comes to consumer perceptions, by looking for already available opinions out there, secondary does a great job in informing you prior to conducting primary, and making sure you don’t double up.
  • Trends and opportunities in the market. All three of the above combine together to inform your perspective when it comes to the possibilities for your product to succeed. The amalgamation of consumer and economic perspective is a powerful way to understand where your brand/product fits

Prevents Duplicate Information If Planning Additional Research

Using secondary research helps access the best market research strategies to use. Secondary research can be conducted on its own. It is also an ideal methodology to utilize before other phases, as it informs what the best primary research is necessary. This prevents duplicating efforts with research that is already public. 

The Cons of Secondary Research

Because secondary research deals with already available information, that means the research is readily available, including your brand’s potential competitors. It is not data that is uniquely accessible by one person or company. Along those lines, secondary research can not be specialized to a specific individual’s or business’s needs the same way primary research can. You will not be able to get the same distinct knowledge catered to your brand.   


Secondary research is a powerful but sometimes limited market research tool. It’s vital to conduct secondary research before the primary stage to understand what you may be missing, what you already know, and what to look for. Secondary is an always-available tool that should be utilized, but also understood for its limitations.

Read some of our blogs from this series here:

  1. August 10th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of Segmentation Research
  2. June 17th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of Online Focus Groups
  3. February 6th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of In-Depth Interviews
  4. July 13th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of Online Survey Research
  5. June 28th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of Message Testing

Thinking about conducting market research?  Check out Provoke Insights research services here.


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Online Focus Group Research Software vs. Web Conferencing Tool
31 Aug 2020

The COVID-19 global pandemic has brought drastic disruption to every industry. Market research is no exception. While the market research industry has already been using multiple online methodologies, the last few months have pushed even more initiatives online that were previously done in-person. And offices have been pushed towards web conferencing.

The internet has already brought most market research methodologies online / virtual. This has been the case for almost all quantitative research (e.g., online surveys), and some qualitative methodologies (e.g., in-depth interviews via video call). As a result, in 2020, none of these methodologies underwent significant makeovers.  

What has changed is the number of people wanting online qualitative research. Companies hoping to conduct market research in-person have switched plans to conduct in-person qualitative research online (in-depth interviews and focus groups). 

While online focus groups existed before COVID-19, they were not as widely used as they are today. In-person you get to see the nuances of how people react – which you lose somewhat when moved online. However, the pandemic has shifted in-person online. Though there are focus group facilities that are open, many participants do not feel comfortable going into a facility. As a result, the data may be biased.  

To meet these new client needs, you can facilitate focus groups using two different ways: 1. Online Focus Group Software 2. Web Conferencing Software (e.g., Zoom). Both tools have both benefits and drawbacks, which are detailed below:            

Why Use an Online Focus Group Software?                    


Backroom: Allows for an unlimited number of members in the backroom. This includes its separate audio line for “behind the glass” discussions. It allows the client to feel like they are in the focus group facility where they would be behind a mirror, viewing the groups. 

Polling Capabilities: The software has both single and multiple-choice polling capabilities.    

Searchable Video: Transcripts from the online focus groups have the capability to click directly to clips of video.                      


Familiarity: Though there is a technician at hand, most participants are not familiar with using the software. This can cause people not to have technical issues throughout the session. 

Cost: There is an additional cost for using the platform.         

Why Use Web Conferencing (e.g. Zoom) 



Since the beginning of the pandemic, web conferencing tools like Zoom have skyrocketed. While people have been stuck inside and unable to see loved ones, they have taken to the platform to stay in touch. Therefore, participants often have experience using web conferencing tools over an online focus group software. Using a commonly used platform allows them to set up and join the group with ease. The technician will call the participants to help them enter the group 10-minutes beforehand to ensure that they do not have any issues. Often, the participants explain that they have already used Zoom and do not need help.


Dedicated online focus group software is costly, while Zoom is a software that most market research firms and companies have. It will not cost an additional fee to use. 


Fewer Capabilities

Clients that would like to view the groups can not be hidden from the group participants. They log in as an observer and keep the video off.

Read some of our blogs from this series here:

  1. June 17th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of Online Focus Groups
  2. February 6th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of In-Depth Interviews
  3. July 13th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of Online Survey Research
  4. June 28th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of Message Testing

Thinking about conducting market research?  Check out Provoke Insights research services here.


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Pros and Cons of Segmentation Research
10 Aug 2020

Segmentation is a market research method that is a tried and true way to understand your target audience. A segment is a group that shares one or more characteristics (e.g., demographics and psychographics). It acts as a useful way to split up consumers into separate groups for marketing purposes. 

Whether you are a company that is launching a new brand or re-evaluating a different path forward, segmentation can give your brand insight to inform your marketing strategy. However, like any research method, segmentation has specific use-cases, and it isn’t always the proper thing to do. Continuing our blog series on the pros and cons of research methods, read on for the advantages and disadvantages of segmentation!

Segmentation Research Pros

Creating Personas

One of the most illuminating parts of segmentation is bringing them to life in personas. Segments are split based on their similar answers to questions, which includes demographic questions. A persona consists of similar traits, beliefs, behaviors, values, and attitudes. Visualizing this persona and giving them a descriptive name can make your marketing strategy simpler to understand and implement. This is one example of the power of segmentation. 

Ability to Prioritize Segment Groups

Once you are able to segment the population into separate groups and focus on a particular target audience, you can prioritize the list of segmented audiences. Prioritizing segments can be done in many ways; one way is to order the cohorts based on propensity to purchase your product. 

You can also project the size of each segment to determine if this audience warrants the investment. This can also help to prioritize segments and create a marketing map based on each group. Most importantly, this can indicate which segments to leave out and focus energy elsewhere. 

Augment Segmentation Research with Secondary

Segmentation is the type of research that pairs very well with outside sources and databases. Supplementary information can bring new information to your personas, such as media habits, geographic information, and more. The addition of external information to your survey data is robust and leads to great results. 

Segmentation Research Cons


Segmentation research is typically more costly than other survey methodologies. Segmentation isn’t as easy as it looks. To segment the data, you will need a significant amount of sample- often having over a thousand participants completing the research. The advanced analytical process is not simple. Typically a segmentation study uses a factor analysis to uncover themes followed by a cluster analysis to create sizable cohorts. 

Other Issues

When you develop a segmentation, you need to make sure:

  • You do not exclude prospects simply because they are not your key targets.
  • You understand that consumers’ attitudes and beliefs may not be fixed. That being said, it’s vital to know how psychographics can change over time. As a result, you may need to refresh the segmentation after a certain number of years or have significant changes to your business. 
  • Finally, you have a way to target or reach the segment that you created. In other words, a bad segmentation is when you have a robust study but have no way to identify who is each group in your prospect and customer database. 

Read some of our blogs from this series here:

  1. June 17th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of Online Focus Groups
  2. February 6th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of In-Depth Interviews
  3. July 13th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of Online Survey Research
  4. June 28th, 2020: The Pros and Cons of Message Testing

Thinking about conducting market research?  Check out Provoke Insights research services here.


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The Pros and Cons of Brand Tracking Research
03 Aug 2020

Knowing a company’s current brand equity compared to the competition is essential for success. You need to know how it is growing, stagnating, or diminishing and what is causing these changes (or lack of variance). To gain a full picture of your brand is not always as simple as it may seem. A myriad of factors influences equity and perceptions over time. As a result, any brand that invests in extensive marketing efforts should have brand tracking research in place. Read below to learn more about the pros and cons of brand tracking research. 

A brand tracker is a survey that is conducted at a regular cadence (e.g., every quarter, annually, or even continually) that evaluates a company and its competitors’ performance. The research allows you to consistently understand all activities that impact awareness, consideration, purchase, and retention. 


A Deeper Understanding About Your Brand & the Competition 

Consistently evaluating your brand allows a detailed understanding of your brand overall performance in the market.  When you are tracking, you know your awareness, market share, profits, and retention and why they are at the current levels that they are at. 

Understanding KPIs, Performance, and Goals

How do you know if your advertising and public relation efforts are working?  Every company has specific metrics that they look at to help determine success. Brand trackers are a way to monitor if your marketing is meeting its expectations consistently. 

Brand tracking include performance-based questions, typically including measurements such as unaided/aided recall, perception, purchase intent, and likelihood to recommend.

Comparisons Over Time

A tracker is like a snapshot of a brand’s continuous health. What makes brand tracking research powerful is this ability to differentiate what may influence your company’s performance. For instance, if there was negative (e.g. bad PR, a recession) or something positive ( product development, new good commercial) you get feedback in the current moment, and compare it to past performance.


Developing brand tracking research takes time, but maintaining the survey for the next round is simpler after the first study. While some questions will change from iteration to iteration of the tracker to address particular concerns in a moment, the vast majority remains the same. This continuity streamlines the process of understanding and evaluating your brand equity.

Competitive Analysis

The key to any robust brand tracker is competitive analysis. The brand is evaluated alongside its primary competition to see who stands out and how. Learning how your competitors’ image evolves is informative and instrumental to brand strategy. It also gives a view of how your competitors may be strategizing in a particular moment, or how plans change over time.



Need to be Consistent 

Trackers need to be conducted consistently.  Some brands may find that there has not been much change from quarter to quarter and then only track when they feel an issue comes up.  Regardless of what the cadence is, consistency is crucial.  If too much time has lapsed, there can be many factors that cause variation in results. 

Get Too Complicated

It is vital to keep trackers streamlined and simple. Evaluating too many competitors or asking too many detailed questions may cause boredom during survey taking.  Also, the results may get too much into the weeds. Therefore, the end-user is not looking at what the bigger picture is saying. 

Too Generic

Often research companies have standard tracker templates.  Provoke Insights disagrees in a one size fit solution.  It is essential to make sure that the tracker is looking at your company’s individual goals when developing the tracker.  Also, the research should take into consideration the specific industry needs and trends. For example, some sectors are entirely transactional online, while other industries in-person sales may be more critical. A tracker needs to take this type of consumer behavior into account. 

If your company is interested in a brand tracker study, please reach out to [email protected], and we will be happy to schedule a call to discuss the research objectives with you and decide on the best methodology to achieve the goals. 

Read some of our blogs from this series here:

  1. Online Survey Research – The Pros and Cons
  2. Online Focus Groups – Advantages/Disadvantage
  3. The Pros and Cons of In-Depth Interviews

Thinking about conducting market research?  Check out Provoke Insights research services here.


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Best ROI is Research for Content Marketing
21 Jul 2020

Research for Content Marketing

It is difficult for a brand to stand out from the competition in today’s saturated media environment. Many brands, especially B2B, also want to be seen as a thought-leader in their industry. Original content marketing research is a way for brands to generate awareness and position your brand as a differentiator – this ultimately leads to higher brand engagement. 

Why Content Marketing Research? 

The real value of content marketing research is that your target audience engages deeper with your brand. It can improve awareness, engagement, search rankings, and ultimately conversion. 

As there is so much clutter online, the challenge is producing content that isn’t redundant and unoriginal. Brands are competing in a crowded marketplace. There are 54.2 million blog posts written monthly just on WordPress alone, 350 million photos are shared on Facebook daily, and over a million podcasts (30+ million episodes). As a result, brands must generate new, compelling information, which draws the audience’s attention to want more.  

It’s not just other companies competing for the consumer’s attention, but consumers themselves: social media is filled with posts about their latest vacations, baby pictures, restaurant reviews, and more. This is where market research plays an essential role in the content marketing revolution.

Market research studies bring novel, thought-provoking ideas to a comprehensive content marketing initiative. They provide new and original information, keeping the reader’s attention. One research study can be broken up into several content marketing stories and spread across various media channels (e.g., web, emails, news, podcasts, infographics, videos).

By leveraging market research to provide content that your target audience wants to engage with, your company can make it’s content marketing initiatives work significantly better. 

Research for Content Marketing Method

If you decide to conduct research for content marketing, you should follow the following steps:

  1. Assess the Landscape

Research potential topics beforehand; this is a crucial component to the success of a content marketing research initiative. Discover trending topics that have high engagement. Also, determine and steer clear of overused topics. Pouring over available research can spark unique ideas or new perspectives on a subject.

  1. Develop Headlines to Craft the Questionnaire

Headlines need to excite and interest readers. Focus on the topics discovered during the secondary research process. These headlines can be geared to cover issues that have yet to be addressed. This guarantees a fuller, more exciting picture of your industry. When developing headlines, keep SEO in mind for the best results. 

  1. Write Multiple Stories

Once the survey is closed, and the data is collected, you can create more than one story from the research. That means developing a series of mini-decks for each topic. Storytelling is an art form. It is crucial to keep your audience engaged. Many times, researchers are hyper-focused on the details of the numbers as opposed to the big story. It is essential to write the research report in a way that makes the readers want more.

  1. Leverage Research for the Highest Awareness & Engagement

Even before the research is completed, it’s important to determine multiple channels to help get the stories out. It is vital to discuss a plan where the study can also be leveraged for all media.

Multiple Media Channels

Content marketing research provides a plethora of opportunities to repurpose the information for multiple channels, including:

  • Podcasts
  • Blog entries
  • Infographics
  • Newsletters
  • Direct mail/email
  • Social media posts
  • Online ads
  • Sales collateral

The Metrics & ROI Are Proven

  • 7X higher article engagement (Readership)
  • 6X more engagement on social media (Shares/Likes/Reposts)
  • 13X more viewership on social media
  • 43% increase in website visits
  • 15% increase in new leads from a website providing contact information to get more information.

If your company is interested in content marketing research, please reach out to [email protected], and we will be happy to schedule a call to discuss the research objectives with you.

In addition, check out Provoke Insights research services here.

Read some of our latest blogs here:

  1. Content Marketing Research for Tech Companies
  2. The Pros and Cons of Survey Research
  3. The Pros and Cons of Online Focus Groups

and finally, follow our social media accounts:





The Pros and Cons of Online Survey Research
13 Jul 2020

When referring to market research, online survey research is often the first methodology that comes to mind. Survey research is compelling and dynamic if executed correctly. Like all research methods, it has its advantages and disadvantages. 



Companies often realize that they need research too late. They usually require the findings at the moment that they conclude that market research is the only way to get the insights they need. This immediacy leaves researchers in a conundrum. Research projects can take time to kickoff, set up, put in the field, analyze findings, and write a detailed report. So, anywhere that you can make up time is valued. 

Survey research takes less time to execute. The survey goes into the field and will collect responses quite quickly. Unlike focus groups that need about three weeks of recruitment time and then hours of moderation with groups plus travel time, survey field time is significantly shorter.

Results Representative of the Population

While qualitative research is directional, survey research provides a representative look at the population you are interested in analyzing. On the back end of the survey, it is possible to implement quotas to ensure that the sample represents the demographic makeup that you are interested in (e.g., age, gender, household income, region, etc.). The quotas help you project conclusions about the greater population you are looking at. 


Incentivizing research participants is a large portion of the cost involved. The value of the incentive is dependent on the type of research you are asking people to participate in. If you ask participants to travel to a facility to take part in a two-hour-long focus group on a specific topic, the incentives typically start at $75 and go up as high as $500 for B2B specialists. 

That is big money – they are time-consuming and taxing. However, if you ask people to take part in a 10-minute online survey (from the comfort of their own home), the incentive will be much lower.  

No Borders

Survey research makes it easy to reach “hard-to-reach” audiences. As long as the participants have an internet connection, they can participate in the study. It allows participants to get involved despite being unable to travel or to avoid travel by the client.


Having a larger sample size allows for more varied analyses. With a dataset from online survey research, it is possible to conduct advanced analytics to understand the drivers and correlations that may answer the research objectives. 


While some question the quality of survey research, it is the easiest to control. At Provoke Insights, we include red herring questions to flag those who do not pay attention to the survey. We also include an open-ended question at the beginning of the questionnaire to remove participants who might give nonsense answers. We will monitor the study to ensure that the participants do not provide all ‘straight-line’ responses or patterning their choices. Finally, we will track how quickly the participant responds, and if they answer too fast (not enough time to read the question) – they will be excluded from the findings. 


Lack of Probing

In qualitative research, you can ask the “why’s” or modify the guide in real-time. While you can include open-ended questions as a follow up to a survey question, it still has its limitations. The amount of open-ends you can include in a survey is limited. No one is going to fill out 20 open-ended questions in a study. They would stop participating or write very short responses.

In qualitative research, you can follow up and dive deeper into the answers given to get to the bottom line of the question you are seeking to answer. 

Engage Participants For Short Time

It is not easy to keep research participants engaged in an online survey that is longer than 15 minutes. Therefore, most survey methodologies will limit the length of the study to 10 to 15 minutes. This time limit ensures that participants are engaged and answering the survey thoughtfully throughout. However, this limits the number of questions is it possible to ask and the depth of the findings. 

Local or Very Specific Audiences

Online recruitment can be difficult if you are looking for a tiny geographical area or if your audience is extraordinarily specialized or senior business leaders (e.g., business leaders of large retail companies in Austin). In that case, the methodology may need to move to the phone or in-person. 

If your company is interested in content marketing research, please reach out to [email protected], and we will be happy to schedule a call to discuss the research objectives with you.

In addition, check out Provoke Insights research services here.

Read some of our blogs from this series here:

  1. The Pros and Cons of Online Focus Groups
  2. The Pros and Cons of In-Depth Interviews


and finally, follow our social media accounts:




The Pros and Cons of Message Testing
28 Jun 2020

Brand messaging is the brand’s voice. Accurate messaging allows consumers to understand the brand’s value (why it is useful/worthwhile) and what it stands for. Successful messaging will portray the brand promise and encourage purchase intent. Message testing research among the target audience is important. There are many advantages to this methodology and one disadvantage that you should be aware of. 


Quick Feedback

Using an online survey to test methodology is a quick process. The questionnaire is often standard and the research company updates it to incorporate the brand messaging that your brand is looking to test. Other methodologies in market research can take up to two months to complete. If brand messaging goes through the express route, a brand can have a preliminary report about the findings within 2 weeks of kickoff.

Nuanced Understanding

There are a few key survey techniques that allow for an in-depth understanding of your messaging.

Highlighter Tool

The highlighter tool will allow for participants to highlight the exact parts of the messaging that they like and dislike. Additionally, they can also include open-ended feedback to give further understanding for why they like or dislike a certain aspect of the messaging. 


Using a MaxDiff methodology will also allow the brand to understand exactly how much a message will lead to sales.  The MaxDiff is a trade-off analysis technique that can help determine which messaging or attributes directly influence the decision process. The MaxDiff is an alternative to a standard rating scale that often leads you to believe every attribute is essential. This questioning forces respondents to make choices between attributes, which results in a more robust data set.

Use this technique to prioritize which benefits/value propositions to incorporate and determine what messaging to include. A brand can test up to twenty succinct messages using this technique. 

  • Randomly present ~5 attributes (at a time) to respondents. This is where the Max Diff is utilized – this analysis predicts the response for each possible combination (there are 3.2 million possible combinations).
  • For example, the study could tell that a message is 2.9 times more likely to lead to a sale than another message.

Normative Data

In a message testing survey, respondents can assess the concept against a series of attributes such as learn more, innovative, etc. Compare these attributes against overall norms.

In market research, norms (also called normative data or benchmarks) are baselines established to compare your data against. It allows you to determine if the results are above or below par. They are particularly popular in advertising and brand testing and allow a better understanding of how brands and advertisements compare against the rest of the market.

Establish norms by creating an average aggregate of all the surveys commissioned by clients that ask the same questions.


Removes Polarizing Options

When you’re trying to please everyone, you can end up pleasing no one. Therefore, it is important to remember that polarizing messaging can be a good thing. It allows a brand to stand out from the crowd. In order to avoid this happening after testing, make sure that the messaging is unique and differentiating. For example, the winner of a message test is often low-cost or discounts – pick the next most popular message. Low cost is not differentiating. 

If your company is interested in content marketing research, please reach out to [email protected], and we will be happy to schedule a call to discuss the research objectives with you.

In addition, check out Provoke Insights research services here.

Read some of the latest blogs in the Pros and Cons Series:

  1. The Pros and Cons of Survey Research
  2. The Pros and Cons of Online Focus Groups

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