Content Marketing
Thought leadership and public relations are critical areas in which market research can boost your brand. The goal of thought leadership and PR research is to improve the engagement, influence, and voice of the brand. Conducting PR and thought leadership research gives brands an advantage by digging beyond the typical performance metrics and finding ways to decipher a unique voice, competitive edge, and credibility as an industry leader.
PR is about more than just a press release; with the plethora of media channels available today, it is vital that your data get its full mileage. Public relations research and thought leadership for content marketing are an important part of brand strategy. By conducting surveys that test headlines and other media tactics, brands can determine the best strategy to implement when it comes to external communications. Brands can leverage PR and content marketing as a catalyst for B2B and B2C awareness, engagement, lead generation, and conversion. Tactics to implement PR and thought leadership research include online videos, infographics, sales materials, email marketing, thought leadership pieces, SEO, press releases, and guerrilla efforts. Plus, all of these content initiatives help grow your brand’s online presence, and ultimately help improve your organic search efforts.
Provoke Insights is an industry leader when it comes to PR and thought leadership research. By publishing research studies, we are able to build your brand’s credibility. Our research can be used for press releases and articles as well as the following: social media, blogs, SlideShare, infographics, sales material, and videos. Each insight garnered by PR research can tell multiple stories, which will engage consumers further with your brand. The metrics and ROI for investing in PR Research are proven – PR initiatives help boost your bottom line, leading to 6X more shares than average articles, 30X more engagement on social media, and a significant lift in lead generation.
At Provoke Insights, our studies are professionally designed to match the look and feel of the brand we are conducting research on behalf of. As a leading branding firm in NYC, Provoke Insights places an emphasis on PR research in order to bring insights to life and promote differentiation. Provoke Insights is the market research thought leader when it comes to content research and strategy. We have published numerous trade articles on the subject and have spoken at a number of related industry events. Our research is used for editorial, trade, and consumer articles, sales collateral, fundraising material, social media posts, SEO, and more.